Thursday, February 5, 2009

Social Media (2)

In a very short period of time we, as a company, have learned an awful lot about social media. And it appears that the speed of which and the quality in which we use it is increasing. Not a day goes by that I'm not even more impressed with its possibilities and opportunities.

Using Facebook we have arranged meetings, parties, gatherings, learning sessions and other such things that I doubt would have been nearly as fun or informative had we used the, dare I say, old fashion email. We recently had our first "Facebook Party" where we gathered together to learn how we are each using and interacting within this new medium. At the party I was absolutely amazed to see and hear the number of ways the attendees had found to use it. I don't know what it is about Facebook but from what I've seen already it appears is a very powerful and effective communication tool.

Using Facebook we have been better able to share information with our co-workers, and that improves all of our environments. It has allowed us to be more aware of what others in the company are doing to create quality business practices using social media. It has increased our focus on consumers and our database interaction. We continue to learn improved ways to interact with our "cyber friends". And It has allowed us to share "digital bouquets" (kudos or thanks) for all coworkers and friends to see. We are business professionals and we enjoy having our friends and associates know when we've done something good or gone above and beyond for a client or for a fellow agent (many do it every day). And Facebook has made it easier than ever to see those events or occasions unfold. As a manager of a office full of agents I can't tell you how beneficial that fact alone has been for me.

So if you are already using Facebook and want connect just send me an invite. If your not on Facebook yet but would like to, drop me an email and I'll send you the invite.

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