Until a few months ago I had no idea there was a connection between social media and real estate. Now I can't go through a day without seeing or hearing about a connection.
My intrigue with social media began in November last year. I was attending a managers meeting and reviewing reports when something from one of the reports jumped out at me. In these meetings we review web presence statistics which includes a review of "top referring sites" to the company site. What jumped out at me was the fact that my own website was in the top five of referring sites among all of our agents. Actually I was number 4 out of approximately 80 agents. I wasn't sure how that could be because since becoming a sales manager for our Navarre office I haven't concentrated on my "agent" website. Why would it be ranked #4 in the company?
After the meeting I ran the same report but went back a month. In October I was ranked #5. I went back another month and I was #8 in September. In August I was ranked #36. So in less than three months my agent website had gone from 36th place to 4th place without me doing anything. I was intrigued. What was going on?
After a ton of reading and speaking with our marketing department and others I was able to determine my sudden rank advancement was due to the fact that I had signed up for an account on Facebook. Back in August a past client from California had sent me an "invite" to join. At the time I wasn't sure what the invite was to but since she was a past client I figured I should at least follow the link. I knew I could always back out if it was something kooky or crazy or required money.
I followed the link and created an account. And I've been learning every since. I can tell you my early involvement with Facebook was slow; like most other new members. I spent most of my time just observing what others were doing or how things were being done. I was afraid to write anything anywhere out of fear for doing something wrong. I've learned a lot since then. And in about mid December I became a very vocal advocate of social media within our offices. We had our first "Facebook Party" for the offices in January and it was a big success. We had lots of fun and learned so much.
We now have 40 plus members on Facebook at ERA American and we are interacting with each other, our friends and our clients like never before. I won't take up any space here to explain how we are using the social media platform but I can tell you we are all excited and having fun along the way.
If you are already a member of Facebook and would like to connect please send the invite. If you aren't a member and would like to become one let me know and I can email you the invite. (when I finish this post I'm going to see if I can create a link to join and post it in this blog) (I can't believe I just wrote that, and you wouldn't either if you knew me a year ago)